Welcome to the Salon Owner’s Podcast, Phorest FM Episode 91. Co-hosted by Killian Vigna and Zoé Bélisle-Springer, Phorest FM is a weekly show that puts forth a mix of interviews with industry thought-leaders, salon/spa marketing tips, company insights and information on attending Phorest Academy webinars. Phorest FM is produced every Monday morning for your enjoyment with a cup of coffee on your day off.
Phorest FM Episode 91
Wouldn’t it be great to wake up one morning and know exactly what your appointment book looks like 12 months in advance? Having clients fly across borders to get 90-minute facials? On Phorest FM this week, Killian and Zoe welcome Katt Philipps, owner of Grafin Skin & Beauty, to talk about turning unmanageable appointment books into more than manageable – with little to no marketing budget.
- Grafin Skin & Beauty (Website)
- Technicians, owners! Get off the hamster wheel: build a velvet rope beauty business that advertises itself, build and manage an overflowing appointment book that is stress-free, and live the life you love. Sign up to Beta Test thebeautyeducator.com
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Killian Vigna: Welcome to the Phorest FM podcast, episode 91. I’m Killian Vigna.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: And I’m Zoe Belisle-Springer. This week we’re talking about appointment books, and turning the unmanageable into more than manageable. We’re talking about clients flying across borders to get the legendary 90-minute facials that our guests on the show today offers. Curious? So were we, so stay tuned. As always we’ll top off the show with her latest announcements and upcoming Phorest Academy webinars.
Killian Vigna: So grab yourself a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and join us weekly for all your salon’s business and marketing needs. Good morning, Zoe.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Good morning, Killian.
Killian Vigna: So last week we actually had… we had a bit of a change in the schedule, and we’re finally back to normal. Oh, sorry it wasn’t last week. It was two weeks ago when we did a bit of a live one at a protest march in Ireland. So it’s good to be back to reality now. Back in a nice warm studio. No wind, no loud buses or anything in the background. As you said, we’re talking about filling up your appointment book.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, and we’re not talking about filling an appointment book a week in advance, or even a month in advance. We’re talking a year. When I was first chatting to Susan Routledge, who introduced me to our guest today, I was like, “How do you get to that point of booking appointments for a year’s time?” So without further ado, we’d like to welcome Katt Philipps, salon owner of Grafin Skin and Beauty in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois. Welcome to the show, Katt!
Katt Philipps: Hi, guys! Thank you so much for having me.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Of course, I’m delighted. Last time we spoke on the phone, we ended up having what, an hour conversation or something like that? It was really fun.
Katt Philipps: We did get a little chatty. That’s okay though. You were worth it!
Killian Vigna: Please be chatty on the show!
Zoe Belisle-Springer: We’ll include you. We’ll make sure we include you, Killian, don’t worry! So before we even get to start discussing diaries and appointments I suppose, when we were last chatting, yourself and I had realised that we were quite similar in certain ways where we kind of packed our bags and headed off to new adventures. You ended up doing a 10-year stay working in Hollywood. I think it’d be a great introduction to the show. Do you want to share a bit of your background, and how that happened? How you got into the industry? Kick it off from there, I suppose.
Katt Philipps: Yeah, absolutely. So it was kind of a weird start for me. I was going to school for philosophy. Finished with my all my schooling, and I just really remember hearing a news cast or an announcement that I was going to be one of the first ever generations that was never going to be able to do as well as our parents. Here I had this new piece of paper that said that I had gone on, done all my studies, and I had done really well, but there were really no jobs available.
So I imbibed a little bit too much. So I got really drunk one night right after graduating, and I got the idea to write down everything I’d ever gotten paid for in my life. One of which were doing makeup in a couple of school plays for my college. Then it ended up with me throwing a dart at the map of the United States, which landed on southern California. The next day I took all of my stuff, put it in the car and drove across the country.
So I moved out there without a friend in the world. I had my cat, I had no idea what I was going to do. So all of the things that I’d written on that list, I started making resumes for and sending out. The first thing that ever bit was for a little film called Game Day. It was actually a student film that was being done, so I jumped on that. And from that I met a really nice guy who turned out to be a producer for the TV show, Friends. I no idea who he was when I met him, but after I’d finished that film, he started hiring me for all sorts of stuff, and it started a 10-year career. So, I did that for awhile.
Then I met my husband, and six weeks after I met him, I told the studio I was working for that I didn’t need them anymore. I was in love. And drove back across the country to reinvent myself again. So it’s kind of a theme in my life. I’ve done it three times now. So hopefully I won’t have to do it again. I think that I’ve found the right bed if I’m a Goldilocks and the three bears.
Killian Vigna: I’m just laughing. You have managed to do this three times. If that was me now on a night out, I’d just wake up with nothing but sympathy for myself. And curl up into a ball and repeat the whole thing over again. At least you actually managed to get something out of it.
Katt Philipps: Yeah. My husband doesn’t let me drink much just because [inaudible 00:04:43].
Killian Vigna: Hides the drink, hides the darts, and no maps allowed!
Katt Philipps: Exactly, exactly!
Killian Vigna: I suppose, like Zoe was saying, it’s all about how you fill your appointment book. And with that, anyone listening to show is probably thinking, “Oh yeah, well, you probably rely heavily on marketing, and really a lot of emphasis on salon branding, and getting your salon right there.” But that’s not necessarily the case for you, because Zoe was saying that you actually don’t do a whole lot of marketing in general.
Katt Philipps: I don’t. I mean, I think my total budget for marketing for the year is less than $600. Most of that’s just in printing for things that go into baskets that I give away at charity events. So I don’t do a lot, but most of it is because I am so booked now that when I do market, I end up having to say no to more new people than I am able to say yes. I even had a couple of instances where people would try to get in on my books. So the way that they would do it is they would by themselves gift cards. So I have to refund their gift cards because I can’t get them in.
It’s been a really interesting. It’s been about a year that it’s been like this, and we started doing the yearlong booking. It has just been amazing for me, and it’s actually been amazing for a couple of my other girlfriends that own their own salons. Because if I can’t take them, I do push them over to other salons and other technicians that I really believe in.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: At the start, how did you get so in demand? I suppose now you have that full year, people know that they have to book in a year in advance, or they can’t get in. But before that, you were also very much in demand, so where did that come from?
Katt Philipps: I ended up with, I mean absolute first world rich people problems. I had so much demand on my books. I was booking one, two appointments out, tops, but I was really at the risk of losing my best clients. Because they would call and I’d tell them I couldn’t get them in for three, four months, because I was booked so far in advance. It was really a huge problem.
So I was listening to a new podcast, it was from Adam Chatterley, he’s got the Beauty Business Hackers, and I really loved it. I reached out to him and I said, “Hey, I just think it’s awesome to hear a dude that’s talking about beauty. Thank you so much for doing it.” He reached back out to me and he goes, “Well, if there’s anything I can do to help you with, let me know.” I told him, “I don’t really know that anybody can help me with it.”
I explained the problem, that I had so many people demanding my books that I was actually starting to lose clients. He was really funny. He said, “You know, you’re right. I have no idea how to handle that either, but maybe my friend, Susan does.”
He introduced me to Susan Rutledge. In the first phone call that we had, she’s just, “Why don’t you just book them out for a year?” It was the most bizarre thing I had ever heard in my life. She had not done it, so she didn’t really know how to do it, which I found out later. But, so it was almost like I was this experiment.
But reaching out for help, and kind of saying, “God, I just can’t handle this on my own.” And even having something great from a place of abundance, but really needing help. Realising that, and it helped to send me that life preserver. I got off the phone, and instantly I started talking to all my VIPs, and saying, “Hey, let’s book you in for a year, so you never have to worry about this again.” They were so thrilled.
I was so afraid to ask my clients of something, because they’re always asking me for stuff. But this is the first time I ever took really strong hold of my business, and started asking my clients for stuff. It ended up being such an amazing thing. I only had one person say that they didn’t want to do it. They ended up coming back around, and now they’re booked for a year.
About six months into having my year-long booking, they started asking me, “Can I book for 2019?” So now I’m even 60% booked for January of 2020. I just checked this morning. So it’s been a wonderful thing. It’s got some ups and downs, and it’s been a lot of figuring it out, but I highly recommend it for anybody that can do it. I’ve really worked out how you can book this way, even if you start from a brand new business.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Quick question before we get into that, because I definitely want to hear more about that. But, what would be your ratio between new clients and returning clients in your business at the moment?
Katt Philipps: I’m 97% return clients.
Killian Vigna:Â Now- Now, you are?
Katt Philipps: Yeah. Well, I’m 97% now. Before I started doing this, I was at 92% return. And as of last month, because I keep counts on how many people that I refer out to salons that I sort of partner with, and the last month I referred out 37 clients.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Jesus!
Killian Vigna: So do you know on average how many times each of those clients would be booking back in with you will over the span of 12 months?
Katt Philipps: It depends on what their appointments are for. Most of my client base is based on that they come in four times a year. If they were working on something really big, they’ll come in six weeks. I do have some people with acne that come on as frequently as every four weeks. Waxing is every four weeks. So we just really kind of set them out. I’ve had my business for five years, so I can kind of see where people… where their comfort zone is. Some people want to go to every eight weeks, but they’ve been coming every six, so we’ll book them every seven. It’s just worked out great.
Killian Vigna: Yeah. Because if you look at the reviews on your website, there’s actually… the very first testimonial I see was a client and her daughter had actually moved out of state, and still managed to work with you remote.
Katt Philipps: Yeah.
Killian Vigna: So you’re not just re-booking them in for their next one or two appointments. You know that you’re pretty much getting them booked in every month or every two months.
Katt Philipps: Yep. Yep. Yeah, so like said, I think probably the average is about every 10 weeks. But the ones that tend to be tricky are the ones that are out of town or out of country. I do have a gal who lives in Europe, and I just drop everything whenever she comes in, and we just figure it out. We’ve done Pajama Party facials for her. So, there’s always people.
Killian Vigna: So I suppose it’s fair to say that attracting new clients was never really an issue for you? Or is that something that you still had to build up yourself over the years?
Katt Philipps: I really had to build because when I left my old salon… We left on really good terms, I originally had a “do not compete” and I didn’t want to break that. So I actually didn’t reach out to any of my clients. But what I did do in hopes that somebody would find me is that I knew the general area that people were living in. So I put a flier in every single mailbox for entire zip codes to be able… with a photo of myself on it, with my new location, hoping that somebody would recognise me. I got very lucky and someone did. And I became the talk of the small town that they all lived in during the summer parties and stuff.
So that grew very quickly, but that was really only maybe 25% of the hours that I did. So a lot of it has been just sucking it up, and saying, “Hey guys, if you want me to stay open I need to know your family, I need to know your friends. I promise that I’ll treat them really well.” So a lot of it was based on referrals. Then once you start getting reviews, and those reviews are start looking really great… I have a lot of people who’ve never even heard from me. So it’s really the Yelp reviews that drive people to me because I mean that is the advertising nowadays.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, and that’s how I suppose you can cut down on your marketing budget is because it is your online reputation. If someone is looking for the closest salon to them, they’re just going to go straight to Google now and see what pops up in reviews.
Katt Philipps: Yeah, it’s crazy how much that’s changed.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â To go back to the one thing that you said earlier, actually, there was two. There was the pros and cons of having that year fully booked. I’m assuming that includes turning away new clients. But there’s also ways to do that if you’re actually starting off from scratch. That is something I definitely want to hear more about. Looking back at yourself when you started that salon, putting fires everywhere, how would you now do it, and book yourself a year out in advance if you were to do that all over again?
Katt Philipps: I think the biggest thing for me is when you’ve done it, you sit back, and you know who your favourite clients are. You know who, when you see them on your book, you’re like, “Oh my gosh, I’m so excited. I can’t wait to get in.” I think that if I had known at the very beginning of my career to really figure out what my ideal client was. Then for me when I built my business, and I built my stable, if you will, of of clients, I always saw it as making the best cocktail party.
Because I had this dream of being able to throw a cocktail party for a charity, and have all my clients come. I just in my heart believed that they would all get along. I tested that theory a year ago, and they did. They all got along. It was awesome. So we had this giant cocktail party of everybody getting along. But when you realise, and you start building your business, and your based on that everybody’s going to get along, you realise that when you get one of those people in, you’re like, “Oh my gosh, she would get along with this and this and this. And then she gets along with me.”
When you get one of those clients that are your dream client, lock them down. Book them out the whole time. Because when you’re first starting, you really do, you take everybody. Then there’s people that you love and people that you don’t love. The people that you don’t love, rebook them, but rebook them one. But the ones that you really are in love with and you’re excited to see them again, you’re excited to build a relationship, hopefully a lifelong relationship with, then get them on your books so you always have them there.
Then you start becoming in demand. Because when you start doing that, you look out after a few months of doing it, and then this day is almost completely booked or that day is. I mean it’s so thrilling to look more than a year in advance and see that I know what I’m going to be doing. I know what I’m gonna be making. I know what I’m going to be seeing. I mean, it’s huge! You start making the big changes and big decisions so much easier, because you know where you’re going to be.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah. You have that financial, I suppose, clarity of mind or peace of mind that you know this is going to come in at this time. And you know that you can plan for this other thing. Actually, speaking of which, is that how your other business venture came into play?
Katt Philipps: Yeah, it did. Petal & Herb is my online, is my online retail store that I have connected in with my business. Then I also have… all of my retail, I do give 10% to charity every quarter. I pick a different one all the time. But Petal & Herb came in because I’m a one woman show. I don’t have a front desk. Literally, it’s just me. It had become very stressful for people to get more of their products, because if they came in I was probably with a client.
So I did it originally as shipping every Wednesday, and then there was more and more demand on it. Then we built the website, so now we have that piece of it. Now that is being turned into an affiliate program for other people, who are other professionals that are kind of in my scenario, that don’t feel comfortable having all that money sitting on their shelves. So if they need to give a product to their client, they can actually do that through my site. Then they actually will get a portion of the proceeds for it. So it’s a neat, new venture. It’s fun to see, and it’s fun to watch other people’s businesses grow.
Killian Vigna: Yeah, and it’s great for them to not have overstock sitting there that’s just collecting dust. It’s basically pay as you go.
Katt Philipps: Yeah. It’s really scary when you have all that money sitting there. It’s nice for us because ours turns so fast, so it’s really fresh.
Killian Vigna: You mentioned something there that you’re actually a one woman show, and we’re talking about how you managed to fill your books. You’re not a huge salon, are you? You’re still… how many of you are in your salon for you to keep your books filled up?
Katt Philipps: Okay. There’s myself, and I’m a full time. then I have a gal who, she works about 10 hours a week, and she works the times that I’m not in the salon. I will say, I do have a VA, and I’m really, really thrilled to have somebody do that. So when I have my new paperwork come in and things like that, she digitizes it all for me and just saves my butt. Then my husband is really good at making sure my SEO and those things are done. I do write my own website now, but he tweaks it so it actually works.
Killian Vigna: That’s amazing, because anyone listening to this early in the show would’ve just… I know I would’ve assumed that your salon of about 20 staff. And you’ve built it up from one up to a load. Now you’ve got your online store, and it makes it sound like this huge business. But it is at the end of the day all down to you, essentially.
Katt Philipps: Yeah, it is all me. I just had to make the decision that I wanted to be a small giant. When they always talk about you get to a certain spot that you need to start hiring people, so you get away from the chair. I was really at that point. I was at the point of getting real estate and doing a build-out, and doing all of those things. It really dawned on me that what makes me wake up in the morning is thatx… And my clients, I know who they are, I know who their husbands are. I know who their kids are. What’s going on in their lives.
The thought of not being able to have that one-on-one time, and without any distractions just killed me. Because I have such a different view of the world than most people because I get to see other people kind of at their most vulnerable, because their makeup is gone. Their clothing is in a basket on the other side of the room. There’s no cellphones. There’s no buzzing. There was no whizzing. I mean we have these incredible conversations. It’s almost like life coaching for me and for them, and such a special look at the universe.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â Coming from the Hollywood industry, moving into this business venture and giving yourself time back from managing that whole book, I suppose, does that help on the personal side of your life?
Katt Philipps: It’s been absolutely amazing. It scared me at first, because at first, the phone stopped ringing. Because no one was calling me at all hours to, “I got to get it. I got to get in,” because they were already in. So that gave me a ton of time back. I also realised that all the time that I was spending on Instagram and social media with really no traction, wasn’t really helping me, because I was already where it needed to be. So it gave me tons of kind of out of the limelight hours that I was just in my small office toiling away. It gave me so much of that back.
So now my husband and I, we’re starting a little micro farm together. It’s been so wonderful for us. But it’s also allowed me, even from a business side, to do really what I wanted. Is because these people are also important to me. Now I have time to write birthday cards. I have time to call people or text people like, “Congratulations on your anniversary,” and baby announcements, and all those things that make us human. I’m able to do that because I’m no longer on this treadmill that’s set to 10, and I can only really run at a two.
Killian Vigna: Spending your life catching up, yeah. So, by booking clients essentially a year in advance, and controlling your appointment book, do you still work the standard 9:00 to… well, it’s not standard for salon life. But, we’ll say, the 9:00 to 5:00, or do you pick and choose your days and hours now?
Katt Philipps: I pick and choose my days and hours, but when I’m setting them up, I go through and my top… what I consider my 25 people that I can’t live without, so I call them first when I’m booking. I book all of them out, and I let them set… I already know when my vacations are, but I let them set what my early days and my late days are by their appointments. And from that I back it up and make sure that I’m only doing how many set hours that I want to have. Because part of this came about because of some health issues that I was having, and that I just couldn’t do the big long, epic day anymore.
So it’s been really nice, is that I still work a 10-hour day, but now I now get a lunch, which is really rare in my industry. So it’s a little bit more human. But I do allow those people that I wake up for in the morning to decide what days I work and what days I have off.
Killian Vigna: You mentioned that these are your ideal clients, your dream clients, they’re the clients that you love. What are your no-shows and cancellation rates like? Do they still affect you then?
Katt Philipps: No-shows are really… I think I probably have maybe three or four a year.
Killian Vigna: Wow.
Katt Philipps: So I don’t have a lot of no-shows. Cancellations do happen, but normally it’s something epic. Like yesterday I had a cancellation because she was in a car accident. She was okay, but so we [inaudible 00:23:26], so it was horrible. But most of the time if I do get a cancellation, they all know how in demand I am. So I always ask them to let me know at least 24 hours in advance. Then I just shoot out an email telling people that I have this opening.
Then, because I use online booking, it takes maybe two minutes before it gets booked. Then the hardest thing is this… what I have now put over to my VA, is that as all the emails that flood in going, “Is your system working right? Is it already gone?” I’m like, “Yeah, it’s already gone.” But it’s really fun!
So now also, when I do send those out, I do send them out, and the bottom of it, I put in a post-script, because we are very… our skin is really changed by the weather that we have here. I’ll put on there that, “We’re about to have a cold snap. Make sure that you put your ceramides on before you go to sleep. Or turn on the humidifier, or remember your sunscreen.” So I always put a little bit of value in those emails, so when they get them they’re not just annoying.
Killian Vigna: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It’s always great to share that sort of… so it’s not just the same standard email coming in every time. It’s something new to look forward to.
Katt Philipps: Yeah. It’s almost like Whack-a-Mole when I send out those emails. People just jump on them so fast.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â What’s next for you? You know up to January 2020, you said earlier, what are the next steps? Is it a new business venture? Are you working towards this other completely different project? I know you were mentioning the farm as well with your husband. What’s coming?
Katt Philipps: Well, I am in the process of building a new website. It’s called The Beauty Educator. Currently, it’s just a landing page off my current website, because I couldn’t get it together as fast as I had hoped to for this podcast. What we’re doing is, I’ve just decided that I have such abundance and everything has been so wonderful for me, and it’s been because I reached out and got some help. So now, with The Beauty Educator, I’m hoping to be able to bring short little tiny pieces of information that you could do.
They’re an hour, hour and a half, 30 minutes, that you can do to very quickly change your business. Because I look forward to working every day, and I’ve finally unraveled the rat’s nest that it was prior to making all the easy switches. And they’re easy to do. Just sometimes we need a little help and a little push, and a little research done. So I’m hoping to be able to put that up for people to be able to enjoy what they’re doing as much as I do.
Zoe Belisle-Springer:Â What’s best then, I suppose, for someone looking into changing something in their business dramatically? Is it getting help? Is it trying to move from… well, essentially doing your jump from booking month-on-month, or three months in advance, to booking a year in advance. What are the next steps for people? What can they start with? Is it simply just mentoring and getting help?
Katt Philipps: I think mentoring and getting help is always important, because every once in a while you end up with something where you’re just stuck. And somebody who’s good at mentoring is going to be able to ask the right questions. So you unstick yourself rather than give you exactly the right way to do it. So I think that’s very, very helpful. But most of it, you just have to put your big girl panties on and just take the leap. Once you jump out of that plane, you never really know for sure if you’ve got a backpack on, or if you have a parachute. Hopefully have a parachute.
But if you’re already in this industry, you’ve already known that if you fall flat on your face, you can get up and pick back up. This is one of those things, is that you can do it if you work for somebody else. You can do it if you work for yourself. It’s just taking charge of your own business.
Killian Vigna: I’ll have to say, just on this podcast, we have video footage here so we can all see each other. You look incredibly relaxed. You just look so relaxed and at ease. So considering your appointment book is full out for… what? Till January 2020, you were saying. We could even slot a bit of time in ourselves. Obviously, this is working for you, so give it a shot people. Give it a try.
Katt Philipps: Best thing I ever did, it really is. I mean, the worst case scenario, you just go back and book the way you used to.
Killian Vigna: Well listen, Katt, thanks a million for joining us on the show today, and some really good advice there. We hope our audience or our listeners can benefit from this, and take action. Find the help. Put your big girl panties on, and just jump into it. Thanks a million for joining us today.
Katt Philipps: Thank you so much, guys. I really appreciate it. Good luck to you guys, I love the podcast!
Killian Vigna: Oh, thanks!
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Thank you!
Killian Vigna: So that was Katt Philipps from Grafin Skin and Beauty in Illinois. Now, to move over to more Phorest related matters. So we have a big new feature announcement here, Zoe, and this one is the brand new email editor that we have from Phorest.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Really excited about that one. It looks fantastic, with all the images, that integration and stuff with Unsplash. It’s amazing!
Killian Vigna: Yeah, it’s a massive step forward. So basically what is so different about it? It comes pre-packed with a writing mentor. So if anyone’s heard of ProWritingAid, it’s a tool that includes like spell check, and dyslexic specific grammar checking. And can even provide some professional writing tips. So, if I highlight a word, it can give me alternative words, just like a thesaurus. Loads of writing professionals out there use it.
Now we have the feature free in the Phorest email editor, so that’s a big plus straight off the bat. Then the second one we have is on Unsplash. So what is Unsplash? It’s basically a collection of royalty free images to use. So in the Phorest email editor, you can actually search over 500,000 images that we can use all from Unsplash, and you don’t need to give any credit to them. That’s going to be a big impact for your emails. And you could always send yourself a test emails and download those graphics too.
What else have we got then? We have a Phorest image editing tool embedded in the Phorest email editor. This one’s actually pretty cool, because this came off the back of things of like Canvas, for anyone that’s familiar with that out there. You have a basic photo editor where you can just change the focus settings, add filters, frames, add text. But we have then, an advanced editor too, so when you click into that you could do so much more. You can basically… It’s like a really baby version of Photoshop. It’s just brilliant. It’s really easy to use, and it just makes those emails look so much more powerful.
Then we have other simple things like the booking links. You can customise those call-to-actions a bit better. On top of that, we have even deeper analytics, so you can track your opens, your clicks. You can see if an email was delivered to a client, or if it failed. So if it failed, you’d know that, all right, that email address is wrong and I need to get that checked.
But most importantly, and this is really cool, you can now see how much revenue your email campaign has generated. When you break it down by your audience list, so you see that this email was sent to Mary. She opened it, clicked it, made a booking. I can hover over it, and I can see what that booking was, and how much that’s generated. So that’s going to be a very big one for breaking down your analytics.
Zoe Belisle-Springer: Yeah, for sure. It’s going to be a game changer. I don’t say this often, but this is definitely something incredibly powerful… is the word I think. Yeah. Other than that, keep tagging to us on social media. We really like to see what you’re up to, so we want to see more of that. We want to interact more with you guys. You might have noticed if you’re in the salon, the #30Days2Grow, Salon Facebook group, the group name has changed. So you can check that out there. It’s called Let’s Grow at the Salon Owner’s Tool to Growing Their Business.
Otherwise, I mean that’s it for us today. If you know someone with an interesting story for this podcast, do slide into Phorest DMs. As you know, we’re always keen on feeding off your ideas. So if you have any feedback, feel free to leave us a review on iTunes, or on Stitcher. We’re always looking for suggestions on how to improve the show. Otherwise, have a wonderful week, guys. We’ll catch you next Monday.
Killian Vigna: All the best.
Thanks for reading! #LetsGrow