
Phorest's Multi-Location Reporting in Action

Sisu Clinics use Phorest Insights to Grow a Multi-Location Business

With clinics in Ireland, the UK and USA, Sisu Aesthetic Clinics are on a path of tremendous growth. They use Phorest’s multi-location reporting suite to help them make top-level decisions quickly while keeping their finger on the pulse of the day-to-day.


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welcome-quote Over the last year, Sisu has grown by 121%. We know this because when we use the abilities of Phorest to measure, to focus on certain things that we can get better and to actually measure our growth, because one of my favorite expressions is 'you can't improve on what you don't measure'.
  • Dr. Brian Cotter, Co-Founder & Global Medical Director

    Sisu Aesthetic Clinics - Ireland | UK | USA

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  • With Phorest, Sisu Aesthetic Clinics achieved:

    121% business growth last year

    6000% ROI from SMS marketing

    Growing fast, but flying blind

    Sisu Clinics is a chain of a wildly successful, doctor-led aesthetic clinics. After opening their first location in Ireland in 2018, in just a few short years Sisu now has more than 20 locations across Ireland, the UK and USA.


    According to Sisu CEO and Co-Founder Pat Phelan, “When I arrived, there was very little reporting, we had very little day-to-day knowledge of what going on in the business.”


    Sisu had ambitions to rapidly expand the business, but in many respects, they were flying blind. The reporting in their previous software was not providing the high level or detailed insights they needed to steer a multi-location business. That’s why they came to Phorest; with the goal of adding greater data transparency to the business, and to assist them in making better decisions for overall growth and in their day-to-day operations.


    Lightbulb moments with Phorest reports

    Dr. Brian Cotter, Co-Founder & Global Medical Director of Sisu Aesthetic Clinic, said of bringing Phorest software into the clinics:


    “I think with bringing Phorest on board, there were several lightbulb moments. Probably one of the big, revealing things for us was the metrics. The capability to actually really look into the business. And to probably understand things that we saw more anecdotally, you know; you notice something, but then what happens when Phorest came in is the magnifying glass came out, and you could really look into something with quite fine detail.


    I think what a lot of the team really likes about Phorest is the interaction between marketing and finance. So it allowed the more business-end of the company to really focus, and to have rapid access to, information. So for example; anybody who’s in this space, your marketing and your finance often move simultaneously with each other. By having the ability to look at the financials of the business, we are then able to say, ‘okay, you know, we’re gonna spend more marketing in this area because the performance here is extremely high’. It allowed us to flex.”


    Using these insights to inform their marketing campaigns, in 2022 Sisu achieved a 6000% return on investment from their Phorest SMS marketing.




    Viewing top-level data allowed Sisu to make informed business decisions

    Pat Phelan, CEO & Co-Founder, added a comment about how Phorest helps him to see the high-level data as well as the detail he needs for each Sisu location:


    What’s probably the most important, I think, [is that] we found a partner that can scale with us. Because now, if I need a report from Miami from yesterday, I’ll just click a button. If I need the schedule for who’s on next week in Cork, because someone has just messaged us that they’re out sick… You’re actually able to kind of go high and low at the same time.”


    Dr. Cotter agreed, saying: “I’m exceptionally busy, so I like that ability to be able to look at something and gain the information from it relatively quickly. So we can break down, you know, each clinic into its segment, each region into its segment. We can see the performance of the clinic over an hour, a morning, a full day, a week, a month, a quarter. And that was really insightful because it was just so easy to access. And it was instantaneous. Sisu is expanding rapidly. Phorest is integral to that process because now, we have three countries, two continents, but one team. And Phorest sits in behind that team and it allows us to effectively move as one.”

    Insights - new brand feature

    The secrets of achieving incredible business growth

    Commenting on the growth that Sisu was able to achieve using the insights from Phorest, Dr. Brian Cotter said: “I think for anybody that’s considering something like Phorest, the first thing is, do it. It gave us certain insights into the business that we, openly, probably didn’t see.


    Over the last year, Sisu has grown 121%.


    And we know this because when we use the abilities of Phorest Reports to measure, to focus on certain things that we can get better, and to actually measure our growth. Because one of my favorite expressions is, ‘you can’t improve on what you don’t measure’. What we’re effectively doing is, we’re tying a metric to a feeling that everybody has, where we’re moving in a direction of success. So Phorest was instrumental in our ability to actually measure that, and then to share that success with everyone that works with us.”


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