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The Future of Payments is Cardless

3 min

Hardly 30 years ago, plastic bank cards were the height of convenience. Now payment technology is progressing at lightning speed. There are estimates that Canada could be nearing an effectively cashless society as soon as 2030. Still, we are taking it further. Cashless is quickly becoming cardless. Digital wallets like Apple and Google Pay are already replacing the fast tap of contactless payment. When taking a taxi or even grocery shopping, people are starting to have the option to bypass the checkout process entirely and ‘just walk out.’ Think about your own salon, for example; with the popularity of digital check-in and consultation forms, you’re probably already halfway there to a cardless salon!

This being said, the average payment experience in a salon or spa is often far from seamless. Imagine this. Your client has just spent a good chunk of time, sometimes hours, to feel pampered, polished and transformed. And you have worked hard to give them the best experience. Think about how relaxed your client is when you are washing their hair or the burst of confidence they have when they first see their new look in the mirror. These are emotional, memorable experiences.

When it comes time to leave, your client is walking on air. You don’t want to get in their way as they run off to show their friends how stunning they look and feel.  The last thing you want is for them to crash land back on earth, queueing up at a busy reception, entering their pin over and over–or, worst-case scenario, smudging their fresh manicure riffling around for their card!

With Phorest, this never needs to happen again. Our new Cardless Checkout feature makes taking payment hassle-free for you and your clients, and integrates seamlessly into your salon and spa software.

Here’s how it works:

  • Clients can easily pay for their services using a stored card Phorest securely keeps on file.
  • Any client who has made an online booking in the past will have their credit or debit card stored securely. 
  • When using either the desktop or PhorestGo app at the time of checkout, the system will automatically prompt this card as the first payment option.
  • Phorest Payments are Powered by Stripe, which has the very highest security. No one–not Phorest or your staff–will have access to the raw card details at any time. 
  • If there are multiple stored cards, you can select from any one of them. We show the last 4 digits of the card, so you can confirm with your client which they prefer to use. 

To take advantage of this new feature, Phorest customers will need to activate PhorestPay. You can find everything else you need to know about getting started with Cardless Checkout in this guide. 

Cardless Checkout is the seamless conclusion to your client’s visit.

“Cardless Checkout with Phorest has been hugely beneficial for us as a busy beauty & hair salon. It is allowing us to take care of our clients much more efficiently. The transition from salon service, to payment, to salon exit is so much smoother and faster with less waiting around. Our re-bookings are more prominent too, as our clients know that they don’t have to spend time ‘paying’, instead allowing them to focus their attention on their next appointment! We are loving this new feature, as are our clients!” Kim, Manager of Aviary Beauty & Hair, Kildare, Ireland

Here are some of the benefits: 

Glide Out of the Salon:

First impressions are important, but so are the last ones. Let your client fully linger in that post-appointment glow. Eliminate the awkward fumbling for card payment and make the most of that final customer touchpoint. Spend more time catering to prebooking and aftercare. 

Free Up the Front Desk:

Gone are the days when your salon receptionist needed to be chained to the desk or the phone. Online booking frees up time on one side of the customer journey; why not use Cardless Checkout to streamline the other? The feature works great from a tablet or the PhorestGo App, so any staff member can efficiently complete a sale from the chair or treatment room. No need to pass the card machine around the salon either!

Empower the Upsell

Phorest data says that only 1 in 6 customers purchase products from their salons. Upselling is more impactful with Cardless Checkout. Clients can effortlessly buy products or add-on extra services directly from where the action is happening. 

Wide Open Spaces:

Reduce crowding around reception to help your clients and staff feel at ease.

We are really pleased that we have been part of the trial for Cardless Checkout and would highly recommend this feature. At a time when we are still consciously trying to minimize the amount of clients in one area, it has notably sped up the payment process at reception for us, and clients appreciate the safer experience. It helps safeguard against no-shows and is quick, easy and convenient!“Sara, Owner of Essential Therapie, London, UK

The pandemic has accelerated technological adoption at a record pace. Customers have drastically changed their expectations. Phorest’s Cardless Checkout helps your salon stay ahead of the curve. Enable this feature with Phorest and bring your clients the future of payments today. 

Still looking for the perfect software partner for your salon or spa? Phorest would love to meet you. Book a free demo with our team today.

The Future of Payments is Cardless

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