When we decided to expand we weren’t sure where to expand to. There are so many things to consider with relocation…not least, how your clients might react! On top of all this you have to find something that is in line with the picture you have in your head of how the salon should look. For us, this meant we had to take our time finding the right place. It also meant we had to use our imaginations, because when we did find the place it in seriously awful condition.
The thing I wanted were:
- A similar location- so as not to upset my current clients
- To buy and not to rent (after renting for 10 years I was ready to own)
- A bigger premises
- A car park
- A good price
Nowhere is going to be absolutely perfect and what I ended up with was:
- A similar location. We are moving from Number 3 to number 16 on the same road.
- We managed to buy
- The premises is much bigger but was in awful repair…so we had to use our imaginations
- The car park is unfortunately paid parking, but you can’t have everything
- A decent price… the market is currently great for buying premises. So if you are thinking of expanding now is the time to act.
It’s not always easy to find the right place, and nowhere is going to be exactly right. What you need to do is see potential in places. You are unlikely to find something the first time you go to view a building. You have to exercise patience and be sure to stick to your vision.
I am really very happy with how the salon is shaping up, but that’s not to say it has been plain sailing. We’ve had to do everything: electricity, floors, walls, gutting and rebuilding. You name it we’ve tried it. My next blog post will be top tips to follow when starting a huge project like this and the kinds of setbacks you can face.
Sue Carter is the owner of Image Salon in Ipswich Suffolk which has been going for 11 years. She has been using Phorest Salon Software for two years. The Phorest Blog is going to be following Sue’s salon business over the next 6 months.
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