Anyone with a business page will have noticed the new feature popping up under their posts. “Promote post”, some of you might have clicked into this, in blind panic, and then increased your blood pressure considerably when you realised that facebook were indeed asking you to pay to promote the post.
Basically, they are offering you more time on your viewers news feeds…what they don’t offer is proof that they are actually doing this. There is no way to monitor what you are spending your money on!
Rather than trying to hog news feeds by paying for your post to be promoted, you can simply just make sure you are scheduling your facebook posts at key times, that you are posting engaging content and getting people to comment. The more people that comment/like, the more likely you are to feature higher on the news feed
So for now (as we all know Facebook can change overnight, so lets just see what happens with the future), your best bet is not to desperately pay Facebook to promote something, but to consider how engaging your content is and when you post it.
If you’d like help with this you can always book into one of our facebook training sessions which will make sure you are equipped to get the most out of your posts. Contact for more information.