Management / Staff

Empower Teams & Drive Results With Phorest’s New Staff Performance Tool

3 min

Working in a super-engaged, high-performance environment can be one of the most rewarding goals for all salon teams today. Salon managers want to keep staff motivated, engaged and focused on their performance metrics. In turn, their team members want to be challenged, empowered and inspired to achieve their potential.

Speaking about this on a recent Phorest FM podcast episode, Stefanie Fox has spent 15 years building salon teams and educating leaders on changes in today’s workforce in the beauty industry. After spending 2020 interviewing and gathering data from 20,000 stylists and students, she believes the future of leadership lies in empowering teams with both the willpower and waypower to succeed: “Willpower is this idea that, in your own mind, you have the will to get to an end goal or the will to achieve something, whereas waypower, is you actually see a way to make it happen. You need both to get to an end game. You need to not only have the will but be forging an understanding of the way.”

Of the many tools that she highlights as empowering teams’ waypower is Phorest’s new app-based Staff Performance feature.

“Right now, performance in a business is critical. Salons need their team performing at their highest level, doing the best they can. The new Staff Performance tool that Phorest just launched is a form of waypower [where you tell your team] here’s this tool I’m going to put in your hands. I’m going to teach you how to use it. I’m going to ask you to look at your numbers every day.”

Empower your staff, motivating them to track their own KPIs

Phorest’s Staff Performance tool makes it easy for salon owners to keep their teams motivated with access to their key metrics such as revenue and transactions for services, product retail and client booking. With Staff Performance, any team member can easily access this information 24/7, all in their PhorestGo app.

Your team can compare their performance over time (e.g. versus previous week/month/year), encouraging them to improve their results and achieve their goals. Driving high performance amongst your team will help them achieve their targets and, in turn, deliver better results for your business as a whole. 

All the key data, at your fingertips 24/7

Already a Phorest user? You’ll be glad to know this is readily available in your system today, and it uses the multi-purpose PhorestGo staff app to get the data your team needs straight to their phones. To access this new feature, salon staff will have to download the latest version of the app from either the App Store or Google Play Store. Any team member who offers client services will have their key metrics updated on the Staff Performance page, in real-time.

Reduce time spent printing manual reports for your team

If, as a salon owner, you spend a lot of time pulling reports to track your team’s KPIs, the Staff Performance tool will hugely reduce this admin. Your team’s results will still be available in the Staff Reports tool of Phorest, but you won’t need to pull reports to provide your team members with their results, as they will have them on hand, in the PhorestGo app.

Further learning on Staff Performance 

If you love everything you’ve read so far, learn more about Staff Performance on our comprehensive Phorest Academy training course. Phorest Academy is the one-stop online education shop where you and your team can learn all about how Phorest works and how it can help positively impact your business.

For salons still looking for their perfect software partner 

If you’re still looking for your perfect software partner or salon appointment scheduler, make sure you choose one that not only gives you, the salon owner, the power of slick marketing, a seamless booking experience for your clients and an integrated POS. Also choose one that gives your team the willpower and the waypower to bring your salon to its highest performance potential yet.

And if you’d like, talk to a member of our team today to find out how we can help you and your team thrive this year!

Thanks for reading! Got feedback? Let us know in the comments below. #TogetherWeGrow

Empower Teams & Drive Results With Phorest’s New Staff Performance Tool

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