Sales & Marketing

March Salon Marketing Ideas To Please All Clients & Tastes

5 min

I don’t know about you, but personally, winter’s had its toll on me. After catching a few colds here in there, some worse than others, I can’t wait to welcome spring. Needless to say that my countdown to March 20th has already begun. Which made me think about the fun things spring brings – and no, I’m not talking about the weather being somewhat better, although that’s a massive plus. No, I’m thinking Saint-Patrick’s Day & Mother’s Day! Without further, say hello to your March salon marketing ideas and free toolkit!

March Salon Marketing Ideas To Cover Mother’s Day And Saint-Patrick’s Day

While you never need a holiday to put marketing campaigns together, why not take advantage of the ones that are known to be very commercial? It’s a perfect opportunity to get new or existing clients back in and spend an extra few bucks on retail products. Sometimes, simply getting attention is what your business needs to get out of a slump. Let’s have a look at what’s doable for two massive celebrations: Paddy’s Day and Mother’s Day.

Saint Patrick’s Day | March 17th

For this highly celebrated holiday, more than one channel can be used to promote your salon or spa.

  1. On Social Media

    • Photo Competition On Facebook/Instagram: Get clients to upload appointment selfies with a fun caption and the hashtag #GoGreen. Their posting gets them an entry in a sweepstake. Draw a name at the beginning of the day on March 18th and announce the winner on your social media channels!
    • Green Offer: Everyone likes to save a little bit of green. Why not create a Facebook Ad promoting your salon’s “Green Offer”. It could be an exclusive retail package, a complimentary service for appointments booked on the day, extra TreatCard Points to redeem when booking ‘xyz’ service, etc.
    • Paddy’s Day Trivia Challenge: An easy idea to set up, a trivia game on the day could make potential customers engage with your salon’s page more. For a week’s time (or whatever period you with to set it to), post a Paddy’s Day trivia question and reward right answers with a determined amount of TreatCard points. Simple, but effective!
  2. On Your Salon’s Premises

    • Race The Leprechaun: This is probably the most unusual thing you could do on the day, so you need a very willing team. Get a leprechaun outfit and get one of your employees to wear it for the race. Challenge customers to race your employees – whoever can beat the leprechaun gets a well-deserved complimentary service. Because this idea is quite unusual, you’ll get many people taking photos & talking about the race on their social media accounts (free advertising).
    • Paddy’s Day Photobooth: Clients can get their post-appointment photos taken in a Saint-Patrick’s Day setting. Have customers sign up to your newsletter for them to get the “*Salon Name* Paddy’s Day Album”. An effective way to collect emails without too much effort.
    • Local Brand Team Up: Put together a Paddy’s Day themed salon event and team up with a local pub or wine store for the alcohol. You could have special 3 for 2 offers on selected retail products on the night.
  3. SMS & Email Marketing

    • Promote, Promote, Promote: February isn’t yet over, so you have a month to plan your marketing strategy. Make sure your clients know what you’re planning by sending out SMS and Email campaigns! Download the March salon marketing toolkit for 5 free SMS templates – just fill in the form at the end of this blog!

If you’d like some assistance bringing your March salon marketing ideas to life with SMS & Email messages, simply send an email to our team on: togetherwegrow@phorest.com

Mother’s Day | March 26th

People usually think of two things when thinking about Mother’s Day: flowers and chocolate. In the industry you’re in, however, you’ve got the perfect alternative gift on hands: the gift of pampering and relaxation. Let’s have a closer look at these March salon marketing ideas.

  1. On Social Media

    • Dedicated To Mums Contest: A very effective tactic for increasing brand awareness on the day is to leverage nostalgia and love to drive client engagement. Create a specific hashtag and ask customers to share a loving memory or mother qualities along with a photo or video. Share your stories as well and associate your salon with this powerful feeling. Perhaps offer a high-value prize for the story that received the most likes & comments.
    • Unlock The Daily Gift: Let’s say you run this campaign for a week. Every day, offer a special something (product or service) ideal to give to mums. Post a blurred photo of the offer on your Facebook timeline, and tell your fans that you’ll unlock the offer when a certain amount of ‘likes’ on the post is obtained. Keep your clients and potential coming back day after day to see your new offer.
    • Gift Guide & Vouchers: Pretty self-explanatory, but get your vouchers ready (we’ve got some ready-to-print designs in with this March salon marketing ideas toolkit – download it now) and post a gift guide on your salon’s website and/or social media channels.
  2. On Your Salon’s Premises

    • Thank You: Offer a rose or a special pampering package to the mothers coming in your salon on the day. Add a hand-written note from the team to say thank you for being so wonderful.
    • Gift-wrapping Service: In the days coming to Mother’s Day, offer to gift-wrap retail products. It’s always handy and welcome in today’s busy world.
    • Special Mum Pampering Package: Create a unique service package just for mothers. Market your package through a newsletter, a social media post, and word of mouth.
  3. SMS & Email Marketing

    • Targeting clients: Don’t underestimate men in your targeted SMS & email campaigns. After all, they’ve all got a mother too & perhaps their wife is also a mother! 😉

Retail Specials Offers (3 For 2’s)

Retail offers are a great way of pushing retail sales while delighting your clients. As quoted by a member of the Phorest team;

“A great way to put this salon special offer into practice without feeling as though you are giving away products is to ensure that only ever the cheapest of the 3 items is given for free. Say, for example; a client is interested in a shampoo, conditioner and deep treatment. The shampoo would be the cheapest product, and the deep treatment is considerably more pricey, meaning that you should make a decent profit regardless while still giving your client the feeling that they’ve been treated.”

Building A Culture Of Initiative In Your Salon

Team Building Activity Of The Month: Find My Perfect Product

Simple, but effective to bring staff together. Every week, put together a hypothetical client concern and ask your team to find the perfect product to recommend. Ask them why they chose what they did and together, discuss the pros and cons of the selected product. This is an excellent way to challenge their active listening and see how well they understand your clients.

1-On-1 Feedback Meeting

We’ve been highlighting the importance meetings have in salons and spas, but this month, we’ve created a 1-On-1 sheet you can use with your employees. A simple tool that can help you structure your individual employee meetings when you aren’t used to having them. Download it as part of your March salon marketing ideas toolkit!

Good luck and thanks for reading!


March Salon Marketing Ideas To Please All Clients & Tastes

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